Personal Detail
Mohamad Alif Haikal bin Mohamad Adnan
Date of Birth:
28 May 1999
No of Sibling:
Playing Games, Futsal and Hiking
Place of Birth:
Kampung Bendang Tok Teri
Marital Status:
No 48, Kampung Bendang Tok Teri,
06350, Pokok Sena,
Kedah Darul Aman
NO.HANDPHONE: 0195688129
Figure 1: My Family
My Hobby
I believe that every person should have a hobby, to be really happy and really safe, one ought to have at least two or three hobbies, and they must all be real. Hobby helps to develop a person, success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.You never lose a dream, it just incubates as a hobby. I also have a hobby – it’s Playing Games, Futsal & Hiking.
Figure 2: My MLBB Squad Win District Tournament
Benefits of Games
Learn to Be A patience.
Think wisely And Make Decision Quickly.
Teaches How to Work Like A Team.
Improves Communication Between Teammates.
Figure 3: My Village Futsal Team
Figure 4: My Futsal Team(Cipan FC)
Benefits of Futsal
Increased cardiovascular fitness.
Increased muscle strength and flexibility.
Decreased stress levels.
Decreased body fat levels.
Figure 4: Baling Mount
Figure 5: Pulai Mount
Figure 6: Mok Cun Mount
Figure 7: Keriang Mount
Benefits of Hiking
Boosts Immune System.
Promotes Relaxation.
Teaches Self-Reliance.
Improves Balance.
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